Ways to take Control of your life
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. – Charles R. Swindoll
- Be disciplined about your “me time” . It builds a sense of independence that will carry over to the rest of your life. “My days” are very important and make sure that you spend time making things that make you feel better.
- Treat yourself as you would a guest. Every one of us deserves the guest treatment. Even a small thing will make you feel happy.
- Sleep on a regular schedule. Maintain a regular sleep schedule so your brain can maintain a healthy circadian rhythm.
- Build a network. Focus on giving value to people, and don’t worry about what you’ll get out of it for now. You’ll need your network someday, and it’s important to build that network before you need it.
- Cut things out of your life. Throw out objects you don’t use. Stop doing activities that don’t add value to your life. Stop hanging out with people whose company you don’t enjoy. Make room in your life- not just time, but also physical and emotional energy- for the things that are important to you.
- Make new friends. Meet new people who share some of your interests- particularly interests you don’t share with any of your current friends.
- Learn how to say, “no.”
- Make a habit of trying new things.
- Embrace what your life is trying to teach you.
- Position yourself as a learner.
- Manage your emotions and beliefs.
- Check your intuition.
- Go on a trip by yourself.
- Call to action.
Six ways to take back control of your life- Kathy Caprino.
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