Seven Steps to Overcome Teenage Anger
Seven Steps to Overcome Teenage Anger

Teenagers often find it difficult to control their anger due to hormonal changes, low self-esteem, or discomfort communicating their feelings. While most teenagers learn how to control their anger over time, others may continue to struggle with anger management due to underlying difficulties with anxietydepression, and other common mental health issues.

If you feel angry often and struggle to control your feelings, you may find these anger management techniques helpful.

  1. Analyze your anger.

When you notice that you’re getting angry, take a couple of minutes to figure out what you’re really feeling. Have you eaten lately? Did you get a good night’s sleep last night? Are you worried about an upcoming test? Did you recently break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend? If you are feeling angry, is the situation something that is just irritating to you, or are you filled with rage? Identifying what you are actually feeling can help you know what to do to help yourself. Anger feelings may crop up when we you are not actually angry at a specific person or situation. Anxiety, sadness, tiredness, and fear can all sometimes feel like anger.

  1. Express your feelings using the right words.

When we are angry, sometimes the words just don’t come to us. Other times, we say things we don’t really mean. If you have a hard time finding the words when you’re in the moment, you can try writing your thoughts down first or talking to yourself beforehand. This technique can be practiced on paper, with a friend, or out loud in private, which is why it’s one of the most powerful anger management techniques on this list.

  1. Practice relaxation techniques.

Clenching your fist, grinding your teeth and tense muscles – when you get these when you are angry, you should find a way to relax your body. There are several ways to do this. The best practice that you can do anytime is Meditation. Yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery are more ways that you can learn how to relax your body and focus your thoughts.

  1. Get physical exercise.

Exercise release endorphins, which are feel-good hormones. When you exercise, you will find that your moods stay more even, you sleep better, and your anxiety levels will go down. If you are in the middle of a situation that is making you angry, going for a quick run can help you diffuse those feelings and will help you to analyse the situation in a better way.

  1. Keep a journal.

Writing down your feelings can help you look back and identify patterns over time. Jot down the date and time of when you’re feeling angry. Include what’s happening and how you feel. After a few weeks, look back and see if there are any times or situations that are triggering your anger. If you are very irritable early in the morning, it could be that you’re not getting enough sleep or that you need a more pleasant wake-up routine. If you’re always mad after math class, it could be that the class is stressful for you; look for ways to make it less so (e.g. a math tutor, switching into a different math class, or simply using your relaxation techniques during or after the class).

  1. Listen to music.

Listening to your favourite music will help you relax.  Always listen to music that will help you feel better when you are angry.

  1. Know when to get help.

If you are angry more often than you’re not angry, you could be struggling with an anger problem. Also, if you are acting aggressively or violently, this is an indication that you might need professional help to manage your anger better. There’s no shame in reaching out for help; managing anger is something that adults need to work on, too. It’s better to get a handle on it now before you reach adulthood.

Anger has the potential to negatively affect your job and your adult relationships, so the skills that you learn now can have a lifetime impact. If you need help controlling your anger, talk to your parents, a coach, or another trusted adult. Your physician can also refer you to a psychologist who can help you get to the bottom of what’s causing your anger and teach you strategies to control it so it does not end up controlling you.

Reference: Paradigm Treatment.



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